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6 Tandem (S.S.)w/ Cap for Burnett Cylinders
8.4cm Long Source Carrier
7.6cm Long Source Carrier
5.7cm Long Source Carrier
Loading Handle (S.S.) for Screw Cap W/Carrier
Screw Cap (S.S.) for Source Carrier
H Nylon Cylinder - 35mm Dia x 95mm
G Nylon Cylinder - 30mm Dia x 95mm
F Nylon Cylinder - 25mm Dia x 95mm
E Nylon Cylinder - 35mm Dia x 87mm
D Nylon Cylinder - 970-656-20
C Nylon Cylinder - 25mm Dia x 87mm
B Nylon Cylinder - 20mm Dia x 87mm
A Nylon Cylinder - 20mm Dia x 66mm