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Tray for Mobile Radiation Lead Barrier Shields
Rolling Radiation Shield (1" Pb x 24" H x 36" W )
CT/HDR Radiation Shields Placement
Optional Lead Filled Vertical Side Posts, for Radiation Shields.
Rolling Radiation Shield, 1" Thick Lead, 40" W x 72" H x 34" D.
Rolling Radiation Shield, 1" Thick Lead, 34" W x 58" H x 30" D.
Rolling Radiation Shield, 1" Thick Lead, 40" W x 48" H x 24" D.
Rolling Radiation Shield, 1" Thick Lead, 40" W x 55" H x 30" D.
Rolling Radiation Shield, 1" Thick Lead, 40" W x 45" H x 24" D.
Rolling Radiation Shield, 1" Thick Lead, 40" W x 42" H x 24" D.
Rolling Radiation Shield, 1" Thick Lead, 40" W x 40" H x 24" D.