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Option "S" Exradin Model A10 Chamber Holder, for the Mylar Window Phantom.
Option "P" PTW Roos Chamber Holder, for the Mylar Window Phantom.
Option "N" Combination Chamber Holder, for the Mylar Window Phantom.
Option "M" PTW Markus Chamber Holder, for the Mylar Window Phantom.
Option "K" PTW Markus Chamber Holder, for the Mylar Window Phantom.
Option "L" Chamber Holder, for the Mylar Window Phantom.
Option "H" Chamber Holder, for the Mylar Window Phantom.
Exradin A12 Chamber Holder, with Polystyrene Tip, for the Mylar Window Phantom.
Option "C" Chamber Holder, with Polystyrene Tip, for the Mylar Window Phantom.
Option "B" Chamber Holder, with Acrylic Tip, for the Mylar Window Phantom.
Option "A" Chamber Holder with Polystyrene Tip, for the Mylar Window Phantom.