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3M 6586 FDS Applicator with Bucket Carriers Rental UnitRental Duration is one month
Stainless Steel Cap for Tandem.
Straight Standard Stainless Steel Tandem with Cap.
#1 Tandem, 15° Standard Stainless Steel with Cap.
#2 Tandem, 30° Standard Stainless Steel with Cap.
#3 Tandem, 45° Standard Stainless Steel with Cap.
#4 Tandem, 60° Standard Stainless Steel with Cap.
Cervical Stop, Stainless Steel.
Flagged Cervical Stop, Stainless Steel.
Socket Head Screw for Cervical Stop.
3/32 Allen Wrench, Stainless Steel
S.S. Tandem Support Bracket with 1/16 Allen Wrench
#1 Standard Titanium Tandem 15° with Cap.
#2 Standard Titanium Tandem 30° with Cap.
#3 Standard Titanium Tandem 45° with Cap.
#4 Standard Titanium Tandem 60° with Cap.
Titanium Cap for Tandem.
Titanium Flagged Cervical Stop
Titanium Screw for Flagged Cervical Stop, #4-40 x 5/16".
Titanium Mini-Ovoid Long Handle Afterloading Applicator with Titanium Pivot Set with Sterilization Tray.
items: 10 20 50