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Rotund Lead Carrying Case (5/8" Pb), Cavity 2 1/2" Dia. x 4" Deep
Shielded Storage Container - 0.5" (1.27cm) Lead
Shielded Lockable Container - .125" Lead Equivalent
HDR Emergency Container, 1.5" Lead Walls - 4 3/4” x 7” x 13” Inner Dimensions
Lead Storage Container for HDR with Cover and Cart with Pull Handle
Lead & Tungsten Container with Needle Access to 50cc Vial
Lead Shielded Cart with Cover, 1" Lead, 5.5" ID. 8.5" Depth
Transport Cart with 2” Lead Container.
Rotund Lead Carrying Case (3/4" Pb), Cavity 2" Dia. x 4" Deep.
Rotund Lead Carrying Case (1" Pb), Cavity 1.5" Dia. x 4" Deep.
Rotund Lead Carrying Case (1" Pb), Cavity 1.5" Dia. x 3" Deep.
Lead Storage Container for HDR with Cover and Cart.
DOT Radiation Source Container and Cart.
Stainless Steel Liner, for 1" Thick Lead and Steel Wall Container.
Lead and Steel Wall Container, 1 inch thick
Cart for Lead and Steel Wall Container.
Paper, Forceps Holder for Transport Cart Where the Container is Removable.
Transport Cart with 1 Inch Thick Lead Container.
HDR Emergency Container, 1.5" Lead Walls - 4 3/4” Sq. x 13” Inner Dimensions
HDR Emergency Container, 1.5" Lead Walls.
items: 10 20 50