MOLDCARE Medium Cushion, 20 x 45 cm

Item Number :
MOLDCARE® Medium Cushion, 20 x 45 cm.
MOLDCARE® Medium Cushion, 20 x 45 cm.
MOLDCARE® Medium Cushion, 20 x 45 cm.
The MOLDCARE® cushions are customized head supports composed of a soft fabric bag containing expanded polystyrene beads coated in a moisture-cured resin. When activated with water, the pillow becomes rigid, conforming to the contours of the patient's head and neck. It can be used alone or on a Silverman Head Support to create the most comfortable and repeatable head support available.
Since MOLDCARE® has a low specific gravity (0.01) with a CT value less than -800, the device can be used in treatment with a CT simulator.
Easy to use
1. Remove MOLDCARE® Cushion from package.
2. Fill spray bottle with room temperature or lukewarm water (up to 40°C/105°F).
3. Push spray bottle nozzle slightly against the cushion and spray a shot of water into the cushion. Repeat about12 times approximately every 10 cm to ensure uniform dampening.
4. Place MOLDCARE® Head Cushion over head support.
5. Place patient's head on cushion, ensuring frame clears cushion, and form as desired.
6. Wait 5 to 10 minutes until pillow sets (once patient exits cushion, cushion continues the hardening process for another 10 minutes.
CE Marked
MR/CT Safe