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Radiation Products Design, Inc.
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Block Room Products & Accessories
Air Sampling Kit
Alloy Dispensers
Block Cutting
Huestis Styroformer
Block Making
Block Room Tools
Generic Tools
Block Tray
Custom Block Trays
Melting Alloy & Recycling
Protection and Cleaning
Lead Filtering Vacuums
Protective Clothing
Styrofoam Blocks
Cooling Plates
Bolus, Brass Mesh, Aquaplast, Spoilers, Contouring
Aquaplast RT Custom Bolus
Beam Spoiler Frame and Beam Spoilers for Total Body Irradiation
Brass Mesh
Contour Devices
Custom Brass Compensator Wedges
Moldable Bolus
Self Holding Beam Spoiler with Flexible Arm
Sheet Bolus
Siemens Wedge Coding Plugs for Brass Compensators
Super-Flex with Film (Bolx I)
Super-Flex without Film (Bolx II)
Clearsight Bolus
Nasal Bolus
Build Up Caps, Scatter Sc Caps & Stands
0.6cc Farmer Style Chamber Build Up Caps
Acrylic Material Farmer
Aluminum Material Farmer
Brass Material Farmer
Copper Material Farmer
CTG Solid Water Material Farmer
Lead Material Farmer
Plastic Water Material Farmer
Polystyrene Material Farmer
Virtual Water Material Farmer
Capintec PR-06C, PR-06G Farmer Style Chamber Build-Up Caps
Acrylic Material Capintec PR-06C & PR-06G
Aluminum Material Capintec PR-06C & PR-06G
Brass Material Capintec PR-06C & PR-06G
Copper Material Capintec PR-06C & PR-06G
Lead Material Capintec PR-06C & PR-06G
Plastic Water Material Capintec PR-06C & PR-06G
Polystyrene Material Capintec PR-06C & PR-06G
Exradin Chamber Build-up Caps
Exradin A14P Planar Microchamber Build Up Caps
Exradin A16 Micropoint Chamber Build Up Caps
Exradin A14 Microchamber Build Up Caps
Exradin A14SL Slim Line Microchamber Build Up Caps
Exradin A1 Miniature Thimble Chamber Build Up Caps
Exradin A1SL Slim Line Miniature Thimble Build Up Caps
Exradin A2 Spokas Thimble Chamber Build Up Caps
Exradin A12 or A12S Farmer Type Chamber Build Up Caps
Exradin Farmer Chamber Model A12 & A12S
Exradin Microchamber Ion Chamber
Exradin Thimble Ion Chamber
NEL 2571 Bicron Chamber Style Build-Up Caps
Acrylic Material NEL 2571 Bicron Chamber
Aluminum Material NEL 2571 Bicron Chamber
Brass Material NEL 2571 Bicron Chamber
Copper Material NEL 2571 Bicron Chamber
Lead Material NEL 2571 Bicron Chamber
Plastic Water Material NEL 2571 Bicron Chamber
Polystyrene Material NEL 2571 Bicron Chamber
PTW Chambers Build-up Caps
0.015cc PTW 31006 PinPoint Chamber Build Up Caps
0.015cc PTW 31014 PinPoint Chamber Build Up Caps
0.016cc PTW 31016 PinPoint Chamber Build Up Caps
0.03cc PTW 31015 PinPoint Chamber Build Up Caps
0.125cc PTW Mini SemiFlex Build Up Caps
0.3cc PTW SemiFlex Chamber Build Up Caps
0.6cc Farmer Chamber Fits over CO60 Build Up Cap
0.6cc PTW Micro Diamond Chamber Build Up Caps
Markus Electron Chamber Build-Up Cap
Scanditronix / Wellhofer Ion Chamber Build-Up Caps
Scanditronix / Wellhofer CC01, IC01 Build Up Caps
Scanditronix / Wellhofer RK Build Up Caps
Scanditronix / Wellhofer CC04, IC04 Compact Chamber 0.04cc Caps
Scanditronix / Wellhofer Chamber CC13, IC-15, IC-10 Caps
Scanditronix / Wellhofer Farmer Type Chamber FC23-C, IC-28 Caps
Scatter Sc Caps
Build-Up Caps for In Air Measurements
Cabinets for Trays & Cones, Carts, Stands & Stools
Step Stool
Wall Shelf
Cables, Connectors, Chambers, Stands & Accessories
Wall Plates
Chamber Support Stand
Dust Caps
Exradin Chambers
Exradin Microchambers
Exradin Parallel Plate Chambers
Exradin Thimble Chambers
Extradin Farmer Type Chambers
IBA Dosimetry Diode Detectors
Ion Chambers
Probe Holder
PTW Chambers
PTW Advanced Markus Electron Chamber
PTW Dosimetry Diode
PTW Farmer Chamber
PTW Markus Electron Chamber
PTW Pinpoint Chambers
PTW Roos Electron Chamber
PTW Semiflex Chamber
PTW Soft X-Ray Chambers
Scanditronix Wellhofer
Scanditronix / Wellhofer Compact Chambers
Scanditronix / Wellhofer Farmer Type Chambers
Scanditronix / Wellhofer Parallel Plate Chambers
Triax Connectors Adaptors
Triax Extension Cables
Calibration Products, Water Phantoms & Cases, Lift Tables
Calibration Check Phantom
Acrylic Calibration Check Phantom
Plastic Water Calibration Check Phantom
Gafchromic Quick Phantom
Chamber Plates
0.007 cc Without Cap
0.009 cc Without Cap
0.05 cc
0.056 cc Without Cap
0.125 cc Without Cap
0.13 cc Without Cap
0.1cc Without Cap
0.25 cc Chamber Phantom
0.3 cc Without Cap
0.5 cc Without Cap
0.6 Farmer Style
0.62 cc
0.65 cc
Big Soft X-Ray
Capintec PS-033
Markus and Exradin
Pin Point Without Cap
Scribing Options
Small Soft X-Ray
Electric and Hydraulic Lift Tables
Flatness Phantom Plate
Gamma Knife
Leveling Plates
Leveling Plates and Lift Tables
Brass & Aluminum & Copper Sheeting
Phantom Material
Physics Calibration Phantoms, Cubes, and Chamber Plates
Gafchromic Film
Polystyrene and Acrylic Sheets
Shipping Cases for Calibration Equipment
Virtual Water
Virtual Water 20 x 20 cm Squared
Virtual Water 30 x 30 cm Squared
Virtual Water 40 x 40 cm Squared
Water Phantoms and Accessories
Chamber Holders for Water Phantom
Chamber Waterproofing
Lead Foil for TG-51
Mylar Window Chamber Holders
Mylar Window Water Phantom
Transport for Water Phantom
Water Phantom Manual Drive
Water Phantom Motor Drive
Water Phantoms
Water Transfer Tank and Pump
CT Simulators, CT Products, Chambers, Lasers, Phantoms
AAPM CT Performance Phantom
CBCT Electron Density Phantom
CT Chambers
CT Dose Index Phantom
CT Dose Phantom
CT Eye Shields
CT Marker
CT Marking
CT Marking Wire
CT Phantoms
CT Rectal Marker
CT Skin Marking
CT Vaginal Depth Scale
CT Testicle Shields
Electron Density Phantom Correlate CT Number
Electron Phantoms
Exradin A101 CT Chamber
Exradin A17 CT Ion Chamber
LAP Lasers
Lasers and Alignment Devices, LAP, Nualine for CT and Linac
MultiModality Markers, MultiModal Spot Markers
Shadowform Markers
Slessinger Board & Accessories
Table Treatment Planning Boards
Dose Calibrators, Wells, Wipe Test, Workstations & Shields
Dosimeters, Monitors, Meters, Check Source & Lead Cases
451B and 451P Ion Chamber Survey Meter
Check Source
Direct Reading Dosimeter
Electronic Pocket Dosimeter
Model 9DP, Pressurized Ion Chamber Meter
Personal Electronic Dosimeter
Radiation Area Monitor System 7008RT
Radiation Area Monitor System Model 375/2
Radiation Monitors
RO-20 Ion Chamber Survey Meter
Electron Cones, Mini, Periscopic & Accessories
Acrylic Drawing Plates
Electron Block Molds
Electron Mini Cones and Adapter Plate
Dummy Mini-Cones
Electron Mini-Cones
Elekta Acrylic Drawing Plates
Elekta Electron Block Mold
Mylar Templates for Electron Cones
Periscopic Electron Cone System
Orbturators for Periscopic Electron Cones
Periscopic Surgical Dummy Cones
Periscopic Electron Cones
Siemens Acrylic Drawing Plates
Siemens Electron Block Molds
Simulator Electron Cone Set
Varian Acrylic Drawing Plates
Varian Electron Block Molds
Electrometers, Dose Monitoring, MOSFET & Diodes
Coax Cables for Diodes
CDX 2000B Electrometer
Electrometers and Dosimeters Dose Monitoring
Linear 5ive MOSFET Array
mobileMOSFET Dose Verification System
Model 206 Dosimetry Electrometer
MOSFET Dosimeters
MOSFET Dosimetry
PTW Unidose Webline
SuperMAX Electrometer
Wide Energy Hemispherical Build-Up Caps
GYN High Dose Rate Brachytherapy
HDR Applicator Support Boards
Implant Briefs and Collar Clamps
GYN Brachytherapy Accessory Items
Rounded Nylon Dilators
Simon Heyman HDR or Iridium Applicators
Slessinger Board for HDR Brachytherapy
CT/HDR Radiation Shields Placement
Vaginal HDR Cylinders
Needle Cylinder Applicators
Perma-Doc Systems
Zephyr HDR
GYN Low Dose Rate Brachytherapy
Burnett LDR Applicator
Cesium and Radium Shielded Work Station
FSD/Mini/Round Ovoid LDR Applicator
Combination Applicator Set
Delclos Mini-Ovoid Long Handle Bracket Pivot Applicator
Delclos Mini-Ovoid Long Handle Stainless Steel Pivot Applicator
FSD Round Long Handle Bracket Pivot Applicator
FSD Round Long Handle Stainless Steel Pivot Applicator
Tandem and Ovoid Applicators
Titanium Applicators
LDR Cesium-137 Transport
LDR Dummy Sources
Nylon LDR Cylinder
Oblong LDR Cylinder
Weeks CT Mini-Ovoid LDR Applicator
Plastic Afterloaders / Tandems and Pushers
Replacement Parts for LDR Applicators
Source Handling Instruments
Vaginal LDR Cylinder Set with Slider
Vaginal LDR Cylinders
Cylinder Applicators Delclos Type B+C
Cylinder Applicators
Delclos Type B Applicator
Delclos Type C Applicator
Radiation Carriers and Storage
LDR Workstation Lamps and Magnifiers
Imaging, Film, Graticules, Densitometers, Anatomical Drawings
Carestream and Gafchromic Film
Carestream Oncology EDR2 Film
Cassette Holders
Anatomical Drawings
Densitometers and Sensitometers
Elekta, Mitsubishi, ATC/EMI, GE Localizing Cross Tray
Film Accessories, Film Processors, View Boxes
Film Storage
Graticules, Localizing Cross Trays, Recticules
Illuminators, View Boxes, Bright Lights
Siemens Accelerator Localizing Cross Tray
Siemens Mevasim S Simulator Graticules
Siemens Replacement Graticule
Siemens Simulator Graticules
Simulator Graticule
Simulator Graticule Holders
Simulator Line Graticules
Trimeline Plus Hi-Lo Illuminators
Varian Accelerator Localizing Cross Tray
Varian Type II (Non MLC) Graticules
Varian Type III (with MLC) Graticules
Varian Ximatron Type II (non MLC) Simulator Graticules
Varian Ximatron Type III Simulator Graticules
Marking, Steritatt, UV, Dye, Tattoo, Penis Clamps & Seeds
Carfusion Dye and Accessories
CT Skin Marking
Magnification Ring
Marking Cervix and Prostate
Marking Film
Marking Lead Letters
Marking Linear
Marking Rectal and Vaginal
Marking Skin
MRI Skin Marking
Penis Clamps
Radiation Therapy Markers
Skin Marking Labels
Skin Pens
Tattoo Ink, SteriTatt and Accessories
Measuring, Levels, Barometers, Thermometers & Rulers
Breast Bridges
Metal Rulers
Miscellaneous Measuring Devices
Plastic Rules and Rulers
Retractable Tape Measure Tray
Rulers, Rules and Measuring Tape
Miscellaneous, Personal Products, Stretcher, Vial Phantom, Signs
Back and Wrist Supports
Patient and Personal Products
Personal Care Products
Skin Creams and Lotions
Deodorant and Antiperspirants
Shampoo and Conditioner
Skin Relief Sprays
Radiation Caution Signs
Blood Irradiation Phantoms
Lead Aprons
MRI Products, Leg Stand, Phantom, Stretcher, Tools
PET Products, Nuclear Medicine, Workstations, Carts & Pigs
co57 Flood Source
Shielded Storage Containers
Nuclear Medicine Phantoms
PET Nuclear Medicine Marking
PET Radiation Shielding
PET Shipping Systems
PET Storage and Transport
PET Syringes and Accessories
PET Workstations, Cabinets, Safes, L Blocks and Tables
Shielded Syringe Carrier
Lead-Lined Drums
Positioning, Immobilization, Head Support, Masks, Chair
Arm Positioning
Breast Positioning
The Treatment Brassiere
Cosmas Cups
Head, Neck & Shoulder Positioning
Plastic Head Supports
Head Support System
Adjustable Head Supports
Foam Head Supports
Cushion Supports
Oral Positioning Stents and Bite Blocks
Shoulder Positioning
Gel Head Supports
Leg, Knee & Torso Positioning
Knee Positioning Systems
Leg Positioning Systems
Pelvis Belly Plus System
Torso Positioning Systems
Lung Compression and Breathing
MT Spandage Elastic Net
Vacuum Cushions and Accessories
Secure Vac
Thermoplastic Products and Water Baths
Thermoplastic Klarity Products
Thermoplastic Aquaplast Products
Embrace Disposable VersaBoard Masks
Heating Pans and Water Baths
Thermoplastic IZI Medical Products
Miscellaneous Positioning
Foam Products
Hand Grips for Couch Rails
I.V. Pole
SecureFit Lockdown Bar
Seated Positioning Systems
Treatment Chair
Quality Assurance Devices, GARD, ISIS, Couch Cubes
Beam Sentry 2 and Accessories
Density Plugs for Multi-Density Holder Insert
Geometric QA Devices
ISIS QA Phantom Accessories
Inserts for ISIS Phantom Cube
ISIS QA Phantom Included Accessories
ISIS QA Phantom Optional Accessories
ISIS QA-1 Geometric Phantom
ISO Cube Daily QA Phantom and Accessories
Imaging Test Tools
Laser and Isocenter QA Devices
Light Radiation Field Alignment Devices
Magnetic Front Pointer
Mini Phantom with Leveling Platform
Optical Distance Indicator Mechanical SSD QA Tools
Radiation Beam Check Analyzer Devices
Rods For Magnetic Front Pointer
TheraPro Daily Output and Symmetry Monitor
PerfectPitch 6 Degrees of Freedom QC Cube
Seed Implant, Eye Plaques, Gloves & Accessories
Eye Plaques
10mm Eye Plaque Products
12mm Eye Plaque Products
14mm Eye Plaque Products
16mm Eye Plaque Products
18mm Eye Plaque Products
20mm Eye Plaque Products
22mm Eye Plaque Products
24mm Eye Plaque Products
Eye Plaque Related Items
Needle Products
Phantom Products
Seed Loading Products
Sterile Attenuation Gloves
Shielding, Mobile L-Blocks, Carts, Workstations, Carriers & Pigs
Fixed Rolling Radiation Shields
Intravascular Lead Shields
L-Blocks and Shields
Lamps for Work Stations
Lead Containers and Storage
Lead Side Shields for Steel Table
Low Dose Carrier
Radiation Carriers
Radiation Source Container, Carts and Carriers
Rolling Radiation Shields
Steel Table
Storage Safes and Drawer Inserts
Syringe Carriers
Transportation Carts and Containers
Work Stations, Tables, and Accessories
Shielded Waste Containers
Shielding,Eye,Ear,Testicle, Moldable Matrix,Grid,Sheets, Blocks
Tungsten Eye Shields
CT Eye Shield Simulates Tungsten Eye Shield
Silver Plated Eye Shields
Lead and Tungsten Eye Shields No Handle or Plating
Photon Lead Eye / Ear Shield
Testicle Shielding
Mold-able Patient Shielding
GRID Photon Block
Lead Shielding Devices
Wall Plug Shields
Raw Lead Material
Lead Shielding Blocks
Angle Rectangle Lead Block, Left and Right
Concave Rectangular Lead Block
Convex Rectangular Lead Block
Divergent Hole in Square Lead Block
Half Round Lead Block
Kidney Shaped Lead Block
Larynx Lead Block
Pointed Rectangular Lead Block
Rectangle Spinal Cord Lead Block
Rectangular Lead Block
Round Lead Block
Rounded Rectangular Lead Block
Salt Cellar Lead Block
Square Lead Block
Trapezoid Lead Block
Triangular Lead Block
Triangular Lead Block, Left and Right
Miscellaneous Shielding Products
Nasal Shielding
Sterilization, Disinfection and Sanitation
Sterilization Trays
Steam Sterilization
Gas Sterilization
Dry Heat Sterilization
Sterilization Test Kits
Shielded Sterilization Containers
Antimicrobial Storage
TLD, Vacuum Tweezers, Stereotactic Systems
Polystyrene Dome TLD Ribbon (Chip) Holder
TLD 100 Ribbons (Chips)
TLD Annealing Furnace and Accessories
TLD Irradiation Phantoms
TLD Ribbons and Accessories
Vacuum Tweezers System
TLD Planchets
TBI Stands, Beam Spoilers,Chin/Head Support, Scales
Beam Spoilers
TBI Treatment Platform
TBI Stands
Head/Chin Support
TBI Lung & Kidney Blocking Systems
Wedge Tray for TBI
Safety Harness for TBI
Beam Spoiler Frame for TBI
Slessinger Board for HDR Brachytherapy
TBI/HDR Stretcher
Treatment Bed
Wedges, Coding Plugs, Tennis Rackets, Couch Tops & Inserts
Additional Manufacturer Racket and Panel
Custom Wedges
Elekta 4-Sided Wedge and Tray
Equinox Wedges
Other Wedges
Rackets and Panels
Restringing of Tennis Rackets and Mylar Replacement
Siemens Coding
Siemens Half Wedge
Mevatron Steel Cross-Plane, Primus In-Plane, Digital Coding
Mevatron Steel In-Plane, Primus Cross-Plane, Digital Coding
Siemens Mevatron & Primus Half Wedge Digital Coding
Siemens Mevatron Cross-Plane Half Wedge Screw Coding
Siemens Mevatron In-Plane Half Wedge Screw Coding
Siemens Mevatron Wedge Digital Coding
Steel Cross-Plane With Digital Coding Plug
Steel In-Plane With Digital Coding Plug
Siemens Mevatron Wedge Screw Coding
Steel Cross-Plane With Screw Coding
Steel In-Plane With Screw Coding
Siemens Primus Wedge Digital Coding
Steel Cross-Plane With Digital Coding Plug, Primus
Steel In-Plane With Digital Coding Plug, Primus
Siemens Racket and Panel
Siemens Wedge
Tennis Rackets, Couch Tops, and Inserts
Varian 4-Way
Varian Clinac Replacement Wedge Trays
Varian Cross-Plane Wedge
Varian In-Plane Half Wedge for Non MLC Machines
Varian In-Plane Wedge for Non MLC Machines
Varian Racket and Panel
Varian Wedge
Wedge Box
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Wedges, Coding Plugs, Tennis Rackets, Couch Tops & Inserts
Siemens Mevatron Wedge Digital Coding
Steel In-Plane With Digital Coding Plug
Steel In-Plane With Digital Coding Plug
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Steel In-Plane With Digital Coding Plug
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