Scanditronix / Wellhofer Parallel Plate Chamber PPC40

Item Number :
Scanditronix / Wellhofer Parallel Plate Chamber PPC40.
Scanditronix / Wellhofer Parallel Plate Chamber PPC40.
Scanditronix / Wellhofer Parallel Plate Chamber PPC40.
All plane parallel chambers are designed for measurements with high reproducibility in air, in solid or in water phantoms.
Superior physics characteristics: Stabilization time after polarity change approx. 30 s, Polarity effect < 1% for all usable energies, field sizes and depths at linear accelerators.
• Waterproof
• Air ionization chambers
• Vented through waterproof sleeve
• Fully guarded
• Supplied with individual factory calibration certificate and user’s guide
Materials: PMMA
Window Thickness: 118 mg/cm-2, 1 mm
Active Volume: 0.40 cm3
Electrode Spacing: 2.0 mm
Collecting Electrode Diameter: 16.0 mm
Guard Ring Width: 4.0 mm
Waterproof: Yes