Scanditronix / Wellhofer Compact Chamber CC13

Item Number :
Scanditronix / Wellhofer Compact Chamber CC13.
Scanditronix / Wellhofer Compact Chamber CC13.
Scanditronix / Wellhofer Compact Chamber CC13.
All compact chambers are designed for measurements with high reproducibility in air, in solid or in water phantoms. They are suitable for relative dosimetry of photon, electron and proton fields in radiotherapy.
CC13 is the standard chamber for clinical use in water phantoms and for output factor measurements. Used for radial and axial beam incidence.
• Waterproof
• Air ionization chambers
• Vented through waterproof sleeve
• Fully guarded
• Supplied with individual factory calibration certificate and user’s guide
Cavity Volume: 0.13 cm3
Cavity Length: 5.8 mm
Cavity Radius: 3.0 mm
Wall Material: C552
Wall Thickness: 0.070 g/cm2
Central Electrode Material: C552